NY13 Blog; Retaking NY-13 from Rep. Vito Fossella

Following the corruption, ineffectiveness and hypocrisy of Rep. Vito Fossella.

Monday, January 07, 2008

LTE: Subsidize the wealthy

A recent LTE;

I read "Senate defers paid-for tax cut," and once again I am taken back by how ignorant Republicans are. The alternative minimum tax, a tax meant for wealthy people who paid nothing, is now hitting the middle class. Instead of righting that inequity and paying for it by taxing wealthy corporations that moved offshore for the sole purpose of evading taxes, Republicans have sided with the corporate thieves. Your elected Republicans are saying that you and your families are worthless trash and you continue to grovel at the feet.


This trash you voted for runs up debt, steals trillions and then wants to cut education, Social Security, children's health benefits, veterans' benefits and any other program that helps the people of this nation. Survival of the fittest, but subsidize the wealthy.



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