NY13 Blog; Retaking NY-13 from Rep. Vito Fossella

Following the corruption, ineffectiveness and hypocrisy of Rep. Vito Fossella.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Candidates and their backers

Being a blogger outside of the political circles that I often write about can sometimes be hard when it comes to understanding the behind the scene dynamics of the party and party leaders. Here in the congressional race we see some early names being floated around and some potential established backers;

Councilman Recchia announced his interest, and we saw that Councilman McMahon expressed support in seeing Recchia consider the race.

Earlier we saw Assemblyman Cusick pick up some public comments (did he solicit them?) encouraging him to run from Rep. Anthony Weiner.

During the 06 election we saw Rep. Weiner support Harrison as one of the few big names to lend any support, and word is that Weiner made some curious post race comments about how close it was on Harrison's limited budget. A little hindsight regret possibly. You might recall these comments;

"I just hope this isn't one of those things where the day after we're kicking ourselves that we didn't do more to help him."

Also it appears that some of the local Democratic clubs that backed Harrison in 06 would be willing to do so again.

So in terms of support, it almost seems as though for another potential candidate to jump in, they would need to pull the endorsement/support from one of the above. I am not sure that leaves a lot of room for a candidate like Hyer-Spencer, not that there is any indication she would run, and this no way is meant as an opinion on her as a potential candidate. Still unknown is if state senator Diane Savino has a favorite. Anyone out there better connected than I am and have a scoop on this?

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