Vote Tuesday
North Shore City Council Seat 49. Polls are open 6am - 9pm.
Following the corruption, ineffectiveness and hypocrisy of Rep. Vito Fossella.
I have always liked the Working Families Party so this combination may be a big deal;
Democrat Debi Rose has picked up the endorsements of the Working Families Party; Local 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, and the New York Hotel and Motel Trades Council (HTC) in her campaign for the vacant North Shore City Council seat.
1199 SEIU plans to direct mail, phone-bank and go door-to-door to its thousands of members and retirees in both districts on behalf of our endorsed candidates.
Labels: Debi Rose
As of today here is who in on the ballot
Today's post is all about petition challenges. Ballot signatures were submitted and challenges ensued. Here is where we are at;
After being found guilty and sentenced to five days in jail Fossella decided to try again in hopes of a more lenient verdict based on his blame everyone but himself strategy;
An Alexandria, Va. court has set aside two days for former Rep. Vito Fossella's trial on charges that he drove while under the influence on May 1 last year.
Fossella, who was sentenced in December by an Alexandria District Court judge for having driven with a blood-alcohol-content level of .17, will appear before an Alexandria Circuit Court jury April 13 and 14.
Labels: DWI, jail, Rep. Vito Fossella