NY13 Blog; Retaking NY-13 from Rep. Vito Fossella

Following the corruption, ineffectiveness and hypocrisy of Rep. Vito Fossella.

Monday, June 30, 2008

End of the quarter fund raising

Tonight at midnight is the end of the second quarter for fund raising. The results of these FEC filings will be quite telling heading into the primary. If you have a candidate you support send them some money, any amount helps and total number of donors is almost as critical as dollars raised;

Steve Harrison
Mike McMahon

Here is Steve's final email ask;

There are 6 hours left in this quarter and we need you to make a contribution of any amount.

Enough is enough. We must stand up and Get America Working Again together.

When I am your Congressman, I will not fund another bill for Iraq unless it's for one thing and one thing only - to bring our brave men and women back home.

Will you help me bring our troops back home?

When I am your Congressman, I will advocate for single-payer healthcare.

Will you help me demand healthcare for all Americans?

When I am your Congressman, I will strongly support labor rights and union rights.

Will you stand alongside the men and women of labor?

When I am your Congressman, I will bring back to our district much needed money to improve transportation and traffic - not for studies - but to truly increase our standard of living.

Enough is enough. My primary opponent has the machine but zero positions on the issues.

You know exactly where I stand but to compete against an expensive machine with bankrupt values, I'm depending on you for a contribution of $100, $50, $25, or any amount you can give - every dollar counts.

Will you Get America Working Again?

It's time to get our district back on track. It's time to get our country back on track. I'm counting on you.

We have less than 6 hours left. Let's finish this quarter strong.

note: if you have an email ask for McMahon's campaign pass it along and I will post it.

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