NY13 Blog; Retaking NY-13 from Rep. Vito Fossella

Following the corruption, ineffectiveness and hypocrisy of Rep. Vito Fossella.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hello? Steve, you there?

So for my two readers who are upset that news has slowed down since we finally got a candidate, my apologies. Unfortunately as hard as I try to find something there just is no news. So far I can not find any semblence of a website for Stephen Harrison, although I did find that harrisonforcongress.com has been purchased by Todd Harrison in Oregon. At least the 13 hour potential front runner John Minardo at least garners a google result with some contact information for him. So basically there is no news. Look for some analysis of what could have been in the mean time, once I get some free time. In the mean time, Steve feel free to drop me an email if you have any news to share.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More money for Fossella

via Politicker
The city's lone Republican congressman is expected to be a beneficiary of a February 23 fundraiser at the Mayor's townhouse, a $1,000-a-head affair expected to raise about $100,000.

And with no elected Democrat willing to challenge him, Fossella's probably one of the nation's least worried Republican congressmen at the moment.

and the NRCC wants to let you know that Tony Rudy and Jack Abramoff will be making guest appearances

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Harrison it is

via SI Advance

The borough Democratic Party's executive committee voted unanimously last night to back Brooklyn attorney Stephen Harrison to run against Rep. Vito Fossella this year.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Who is Stephen Harrison

Stephen Harrison is a resident of Bay Ridge (Brooklyn section of NY13) and a practicing attorney. He is President of the American Heritage Democratic Organization (no link available) and is the Board 10 zoning committee chairman, a founding member of CERT1 (Community Emergency Response Team) and a former president of 79th Street 300 Block Association. Harrison was a candidate for District 43 City Council, 2003 Special Election, finishing third.

Harrison it will be

So the problem with doing this part time is that getting a jump on a story isn't really easy. I put my money on Gentile last night, not realizing McMahon had declined the chance and that Gentile would be declining it today.

Gentile's announcement that he would not challenge Fossella (Staten Island/Brooklyn) was not unexpected.

It came a day before a congressional screening panel is expected to recommend that the Democratic Party back Brooklyn attorney Stephen Harrison in the race.

So Harrison it will be tonight. At least my unfounded speculation can now end and we can start comparing candidates. To my multitude of readers I am looking for some good background info on Harrison, my email address is; ny13blog@gmail.com